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Rafiki opened its doors in 2008 under the leadership of the Methodist Church of Ghana.  They appointed Reverend Ekow Sey as the village Director.  Rev. Sey's family had one goal: to rescue children in life threatening situations, and provide them with a home.  Rev. Sey and his family did more than that.


Over the years, Rev. Sey has helped to build a place of growth, education, faith, and love for more than 34 children.  These children are placed in homes with a mother and just like every other child, they have responsibilities and chores.  At the village, there is a school where the children go to learn: Mathematics, Natural Science, Religion, English, Fanti, ICT, and more.  The Rafiki School serves more than just the children at Rafiki.  It is opened to children in the surrounding villages.  It's Rafiki's hope that this will help provide the Rafiki children with opportunities to grow good social skills and emotional support so that they will be ready to leave Rafiki when the time comes.


There are over 30 staff members who make up the Rafiki Family.  It is led by the Director, Rev. Ekow Sey.  There are 34 children who live on site who are under the influence of 5 mothers.  


Rafiki receives financial support from the Methodist Church Ghana as well as partnering organizations who see the need and send support, but sometimes that support isn't steady.    


In 2010, I traveled to Ghana with a group of 4 guys.  We were brainstorming one night and dreaming of how to help Rafiki receive steady donations for their operating accounts, and the idea came to us that we should start a sponsorship program to send mothly support over.  In 2011, my friend Clint and I moved to Ghana to begin working on this dream.  After 13 months of work at Rafiki, we launched RafikiFriends.  We are so grateful for God's guidance and support for this.  


The story is just beginning...

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